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Monday, January 30, 2017

Favorite Website Analysis.

So as you know I decided to do my speech for Crunchyroll. After analyzing the website's source coding, I looked and realized they use HTML for the skeleton and java script for most of the actual website. I don't know much about coding but I do know that java script runs most animations that have to do with any website, minus pictures, which leads me to believing that because it's such a stuffed website, most of the items on there are likely java so it can be smooth and transitional with things like "New Anime Updates" and "Forum Posting" and such.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Color Pallet Ideas!

So this is pallet 1 with coding

It's pretty warm and very dark but it's a start!!! (ง╥﹏╥)ง 

Moving on to pallet number 2... 

It's very deep-dark-under-the-sea-type (◒▿◒). I think I just enjoy working with dark colors (≧▿≦) but then comes the question of are they appealing for the audience of everyone else.... 
So third time is the charm!

So #HappyValentinesDay (≧▿≦)✌ Lol I don't even care for pink that much.. but it's nice.. its a nice change and its very pleasing to look at (or at least for me it is? hehe). 

So trying one with all the same type color...

So I think my working with dark colors is inevitable (≧▭≦) but thats okay! it's still a nice basic color pallet. Very simple c:

Favorite Website for Web Design

Crunchyroll is a website created for watching anime and reading manga. They also have a online shop for anime lovers to buy collectibles. The website is full of different anime due to the large audience they strive to entertain. I chose this website because not only do I believe this site to be useful for anime lovers, like myself, but also because it's cleanly organized. Easy navigation and simple layout helps the site with all the information being offered for people who have never seen the site before and for those who aren't new to the search for a good show.